If you’re tired of problematic sewage cooled dry-pit submersible motors AND have no real concern…

Hurricane Katrina related repairs to N. Broad Street Drainage Underpass Pump Station
Working closely with the contractor and with the City of New Orleans, ABBA Parts visited the site, photographed, measured and documented existing pumps. ABBA proceeded to specify, engineer and manufacture two complete bare pump replacements, ABBA model FMN 1210X to replace existing Fairbanks Morse 12” 5410X pumps. Below are photos of the existing / original pumps:
The ABBA pumps are direct drop-in replacement pumps – identical and dimensionally interchangeable with the existing pumps. There were no changes to piping required and the ABBA pumps have the same footprint as the existing pumps.
These pumps are the most recently engineered and manufactured by ABBA for the S.W.B.N.O. Other projects include parts and pumps for Stations 1, 3, 6, 8, 14, 21 & 23, as well as Canal St., Ponchartrain, St. Bernard, and Franklin Street. ABBA Parts has been working with the S.W.B.N.O. for nearly 20 years and our replacements have proven to perform flawlessly.
In addition we have also recently supplied impellers for Panola St. and High St lift pumps A & B at the New Orleans water plant.